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Bicycle Repair Program in Za'atari Camp

Over a year ago bicycles were distributed to the refugees living inside of Za'atari Refugee Camp. A year later the bicycles fell into disrepair and, although incredibly popular, sat idly- unused. The sprawling refugee camp is often referred to as "Jordan's fourth largest city" and covers about 5.3 km2. Imagine having to cover that distance every day on foot to visit a family member on the other side.

As a solution, Rebuild for Peace provided training workshops as well as a 3-month Bicycle Repair Vocational Training Program. Even better- a group of students from that program just GRADUATED! Not only do these students, many of whom are young men, have a new skill that can benefit their community and contribute to potential business ventures, they can now better connect with their family in the Camp!


According to a 2018 report by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Za'atari Camp hosts 78,994 refugees. The camp is situated near to Jordan's Northern Border with Syria and has evolved from a small gathering of tents to an "urban settlement".

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